When you get a Wheelson on Shipment

oooooh lorrdd

2020: A Gaming Renaissance

What an absolute crazy year it has been, and a rather interesting year for gaming. As the worlds’ population hunkered down over covid-19 lockdown many turned on their consoles and played until the sun came up. People had more free time on their hands than ever before and as the world stopped amidst a pandemic,…

2020: A Gaming Renaissance

What an absolute crazy year it has been, and a rather interesting year for gaming.

As the worlds’ population hunkered down over covid-19 lockdown many turned on their consoles and played until the sun came up.

People had more free time on their hands than ever before and as the world stopped amidst a pandemic, the virtual world has never been as OP. more gamers spending more time online than ever before.

If you’re a big game developer such as Activision and EA (Electronic Arts) then the covid-19 pandemic has been fabulous. The increased game sales and microtransactions sales have skyrocketed their revenue. Unfortunately, most of us are not Activision or EA. what a shame.

The timing of the launch of the free to play Call of Duty Warzone was an uncanny runaway success right from the starting blocks. The game has reached over 50 million players in the first month of its release. To put that into perspective fortnite took over 3 months to reach that player count.

For me at least this has been my game of choice over lockdown. The free to play and crossplay aspects of the game has meant I managed to convince a few of my friends to download warzone and squad up, play together and chat.

Some of these friends live in different cities and countries and some i hadn’t caught up with in years had suddenly become some of my closest everyday friends.


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